Paloma Pélissier-Barbetti

Rayonner sa voix
"Be radiant with your voice and follow the path to authentic self-expression".
Lyric artist for over 15 years
Singing teacher and vocal coach with a holistic approach.
French and Italian phonetics coach at the University of Weimar in Germany.
Diction coach for singers in various theatres in Germany.
Passionate about the voice and its expression from an early age, I first experienced the discovery of my voice as a natural manifestation of the radiance of my being, a source of joy and also a wonderful release in more difficult moments.
Later, I decided to deepen this instinctive knowledge: I took various courses at universities, academies and opera studios in France, Italy, Germany and Spain.
My training and my professional experience as an opera singer abroad have been littered with wonderful discoveries, but also with difficulties that have called into question my entire being and the way its conditioned mechanisms function.
I then began to nurture a search based on the connection between body and mind, ceasing to identify my Voice as an entity separate from the rest of my body but as the expression of my entire being
and to reconcile myself with my Authentic Way/Voice.
It was during this process of discovery and liberation that I became interested in the transmission and potential benefits that singing can bring to those around us and to each one of us: the voice is inherent in our innermost being and can free us from many limitations when we let it resonate through the whole of who we really are.
It is therefore very important to me to help transmit and guide people who wish to follow the path of self-expression that corresponds to them.

My methodology
"The voice is the music of the soul " Barbara
The Voice reflects our state of being. Depending on its resonance and projection, it can tell us a lot about our current state of mind.
The Breath is its main driving force, and it is partly in the process of its functioning that we can draw a deeper understanding of any disharmonies limiting our body and its expression; the voice will therefore be the result.
My approach combines different breathing methods in line with the body's natural movements (depending on each person's mobility), with awareness, observation and non-judgement.
This is followed by different types of vocalization adapted to the student's typology and personality, always respecting and listening to the whole person.
Finally, the choice of a song as well as a repertoire orientation aid is generally part of the process but it can vary according to the person and what he or she feels in resonance with.
One of the main objectives of my teaching is to make the student as autonomous as possible in the development of his or her skills, so that he or she can feel freer, guided by his or her own feelings, trust and be able to stand on his or her own two feet.
The objective and needs of the person.
Becoming aware of your breathing and your level of anchoring.
Listening to your body and sensations in a spirit of self-acceptance.
Conscious breathing exercises linked to body movements (depending on individual mobility).
Feel the resonance of the voice in the body.
Understanding vocal support and how to use it.
Vocalise according to the student's personality and typology.
Develop your feelings, interpretation and musicality of an aria.
Who should attend:
People of all ages and levels (from beginners to professionals) who wish to..:
Re/discover their voice in a caring way
Learn to project their singing and speaking voice
Connect more with their feelings and intuition
Reconciling with their voice, learning to listen to it, love it and take care of it.
Sing from the heart.
Perfect their skills
Develop their breathing capacity
Prepare a repertoire for an exam or competition in a caring and self-respecting way.
Free themselves from vocal blockages.
take care of themselves and their Authentic Expression
Refocus and reconnect with themselves
Develop the placement of the spoken voice
work on the pronunciation of Italian, French and German melodies from the classical repertoire
"By exploring the possibilities that each of us holds in our own unique and authentic way, we allow ourselves to deploy potential that we didn't even expect".